Topic: conflicting results 2 examiners
GrieselA Member
posted 01-14-2008 02:56 PM
Hi, i am new with this and is seeking for help. retest was done by me and the examinee that passed the first examiners test failed mine and vice versa! maybe someone can help me to give my client an answer to this? don't know if it is possible to mail me if you can help? my charts are available - can't promise about the other examiner... i have the forensic assessments on video and the test - same case facts/same technique/basically same questions/totally different results! big client in my country -this could cause major problems for testing in my country... thank you (hope i did this correct)IP: Logged |
ckieso Member
posted 01-14-2008 02:59 PM
Why was there a retest conducted if he already passed the first test? Could he have become over-sensitive to the issue being tested because he had to retake the test? ------------------ "Truth Seekers"
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Taylor Member
posted 01-14-2008 03:19 PM
There are many questions.Why the retest? Did he use CMs on the first test undected? Was there any difference on the CQ's used? How long was each test? Did the first examiner have all the facts? Sometimes if an examinee is polygraphed at the request of the defense attorney - the attorney and Poly Examiner may not have ALL the details. I see you are from South Africa - I have heard through the grapevine that there are some unethical examiners over there. What is the reputation of the other examiner?
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GrieselA Member
posted 01-14-2008 03:29 PM
why - they wanted to make sure the right person gets fired - the first di - did not have access/code to the safe and he was not there when the money went missing. two persons had the code to the safe - one of them failed my polygraph examination. my di - received money,counted it,went to her desk, counted it again, left the money on her table for 10 minutes, came back and put it into the safe. when she counted the money on monday she realized "something was wrong" the first di - the other examiner - black driver working for ten years - nothing ever went missing although he drives to the bank with alot of money at a time. my di - secretary for the head of the company.. which one is the easiest to fail??? while talking about SA!!! lolIP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-14-2008 03:45 PM
Can you email the charts? If so, we can probably get a link posted here, or somebody with the know how could post them right on this thread.In the meantime, you can email those of us who have responded. I'll certainly start with the charts and take a look. IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 01:37 PM
I suggest you ask Ray to post these charts here. I scored the first one DI after four charts (of seven). The second (2117012) I have INC after three charts. IDENTIFY has it DI after three charts. POLYSCORE has it INC after three with the EDA included and DI without the ugly EDA.I wish you had a motion sensor as you've got some tracings that make me very suspicious. Not only do you have some textbook "pucker" pneumos, you've got one pneumo in which the baseline rises while the other lowers. That shouldn't happen. Notice also, that the crazy pneumos happen consistently on CQs but not on RQs. I'll try to look them all over later when I have more time, but that's the preliminary look. IP: Logged |
GrieselA Member
posted 01-15-2008 02:33 PM
Please remember - there was money in the safe for a period (dollars) the second test that was done - only about the dollars. The first test (first 3 charts) regarding the pounds to which the examinee had no access to/ nor was he there on the Friday when the pounds was received. I dont know much about false positive's - usually I get false negative's with a confession... i know nothing to laugh about... that is why i am seeking help!!! You must also try to think about the type of people that we are working with...the second examinee is a driver for ten years - his culture must be taken into consideration etc... there is no way that he would have any knowledge of cm.. i would be surpised if he knows how to switch a computer on!!! What i am trying to say: chart 1,2,3 one issue and 4,5,6 another issue later on... i am not saying that my second examinee is stupid- all i am saying is that he does not have any qualifications at all.. he can drive, drink tea and have a decent conversation with you. he has never been "hijacked" "robbed" or "lost" any money... and i think he was VERY scared. The first examinee on the other hand... VERY witty, clever, educated etc... I appreciate your time and help and I will advice the client accordingly... just hope i am not wrong... cause i told her that she must phone her lawyer in the mean time!!
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Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 02:38 PM
Okay. That's what happens when I look quickly. Charts 1,2 and 3 are one exam. You have a Lafayette, so after those three charts, go to "EXAM" and choose "New Exam" from the menu and then you won't confuse me and make me read all the questions.There are still problems with the charts regardless of what you've got for tests / exams there. I'm still doing something else, so it'll be a bit before I can look fully. If I can get them to Ray, do you want them posted? IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-15-2008 02:43 PM
This is a cut and paste from my previous thread topic "How to post graphics (and charts) at Polygraph Place.First, you need to get some avatars----small pictures that can be still pictures, cartoons, or my favorite, the animated/motion type avatars. There are many sites which offer these things for free. Google "Avatars"---literally hundreds of sites available. Some sites you register/subscribe and have access to thousands of these things, or you can simply right click one of mine (as a test), save in your "my pictures." Next, now that you have your saved avatar, you need to go to Register there for a free photo/movie storage space. They make their $ off of the advertisement you will see in all of the columns. Have no fear, photo bucket is the #1 site for posting pictures. It is a hub, and your photo album will be secure---password protected. Because it is a well used site, your password will have to be pretty unique----as it rejected most of my attempts. Once you register with your new username and password (write it down!!!), your cookies will save the password/username so you won't have to retype it (thank goodness). Click on the UPLOAD PHOTOS tab on the photobucket site. Next, you will see several BROWSE buttons. Click on a BROWSE button, and the site will prompt your pictures (My Pictures section)from your computer. Select the avatar you want to post. Then press UPLOAD under the Browse section. 3 seconds later, you will see your avatar in the my pictures box. If you happen to have a BUNCH of images you want to upload---it will allow you to upload 20 or so pictures at a time---thus, the whole column of BROWSE tabs. Under your picture, which has now been transfered to photobucket, you have 4 or 5 choices of how to send or transfer your avatar. Rightclick Copy the HTLM selection. Exit the photobucket site. Come to polygraph place, and rightclick/Paste the HTRM code on your post----it will appear as a bunch of code (about 3 lines of nonsensical gibbery numbers/letters. When you submit your post, your avatar will appear. They key to putting images on this site is that they must be transferred to HTLM code----whatever the hell that means. All I know is that this particularly old forum format only supports HTRM. If you want to post polygraph charts here---you just follow those instructions above with the website, transfer the charts to the HTLM format, and bata bing batta boom, we have charts. I would post some sample charts, but I only surf the web with my wife's canary...ahem...laptop. I have no charts on this computer. This is not difficult. Even Ted's twin sister could do it;
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Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 02:48 PM
I read it stat. Too lazy, and they'll look a lot better elsewhere. I have 13 charts!IP: Logged |
GrieselA Member
posted 01-15-2008 03:11 PM
Ok!! let us go back to the beginning... i struggled to reply in the first place.. and where did you get that picture of me??? all jokes aside... i am to scared to post them... i hate critisism... and i know that i am not ALWAYS doing everything by the book but i also ALWAYS know that i am working with poeples lives - in this case i.e. "they did not want to fire the wrong person" - but still they haven't fired "the right person" again: if there is no possibility that one person could have taken the money (no code, acess and he was not there) why this charts? secondly: how can two examinee's charts be problamatic? One of them must be a false positive if both of them is scored di... sorry about the exam thing... i will remember that in the future... my mentor was here looooooong ago and i did not realize that this could be a problem... am i focussing tooo much on the other info at hand because i am a nozy investigator? am i relying tooo much on the forensic assessments? am i not beeing totally objective? i hope NG is not reading this!! He will kill me... he tought me well, maybe i wasn't listening!!!IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 03:16 PM
I put down my other project for a few minutes. I'm just looking at charts - not the story. I'll chime in in a few more minutes - I hope.Don't be scared to post them. If there's an error so what? Learn, correct it and move on. We're the people preaching integrity, so we must live it. IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-15-2008 03:17 PM
Barry, too lazy to upload some charts to, right click HTRM, and paste the code to a thread here???? Seriously?I have overestimated you.
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Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 03:19 PM
Apparently you have. (Also, I tried and screwed it up once, so I know it won't be that simple. If they made it more difficult, I might find it easier.)IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-15-2008 03:29 PM
Try Try again.1. Join 2. Click "Upload Photos" 3. Click the line "Browse" 4. Select the charts, click "open." 5. Click "upload" at the bottom of the browse column. 6. Just below your newly uploaded picture/chart---right click HTLM selection and click "copy." 7. Leave photobucket and come here. 8. Past the HTLM code to a thread. Submit---and about 5 seconds later the chart appears. You can do it, and when you do it will be good. Let there be graphics.

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Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 03:42 PM
Okay here goes (make sure I got the charts right):(Exam with 7 charts) Test 1 (charts 1-4): DI Test 2 (charts 5-7): DI (Exam with 6 charts) Test 1 (charts 1-3): INC Test 2 (charts 4-6): DI I think I translated my notes correctly. IP: Logged |
GrieselA Member
posted 01-15-2008 03:57 PM
thank you.. i think i scored the second charts not beeing totally objective anymore, maybe because i tested her first, got a di and a deceptive assessment. this still does not gives me an explanation... and secondly i am in trouble.. i gave an ndi report on the second examinee!!! i am really tired now... way over my bedtime... remember i am on the other side of the world...please do not hesitate to throw me with anything... i am a big girl, dont like critisism, but i can take it... lol... speak to you again tommorow thanks again for your time I APPRECIATE!!!IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-15-2008 04:01 PM
BARR-EEE! BARR-EEE! BARR-EEE! I double dog dare you.
GrieselA, We won't criticize you gal. We will help you. I learned some HUGE things the last time Ray posted charts, and I think he did also. Good things.

------------------ "This is our hill and these are our beans."---- Leslie Nielsen as Lt. Frank Drebin, Naked Gun 1988
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Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 04:25 PM
The charts aren't JPEG or bitmap images, so how would I convert them to something that could be uploaded? Will a PDF work?IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 04:31 PM
It's got to be an image file to work. I'm not sure how to do it other than copy and paste to Mircrsoft Paint one page at at time - in which case we'll be old by then.IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 01-15-2008 04:45 PM
GrieselAThanks for posting all of this. I'd like to encourage you to not worry about criticism. Any examiner that claims never to have messed up something is either lying or stupid. People on this forum have been really decent, and we all have a lot to learn from each other. Please consider sending or posting the charts. From what Barry has already said, they are probably instructive charts, from which we can learn. It would be easy to post the charts here, using stat's excellent step-by-step tutorial. Or send 'em along and I'll help. You've been more courageous than most lurkers already - so, at this point you pretty much have to see it all the way through. (Besides, we'll dog-pile anyone that criticizes.) r ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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Taylor Member
posted 01-15-2008 04:59 PM
GrieselA: Remember to trust your charts. You have to much emotion involved in this situation. You said one must be a false positive....but you also stated you were not following protocol and what about the other examiner. You need to get back to the basics. Don't worry about having the charts posted. Constructive critisism is good! At least you are here asking questions and you will get good feedback from everyone. We won't make fun of you....well most of us won't - but I can't say that for Taylor IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 06:09 PM
She's gone to bed, but she tried to load them for us, but it didn't work.To post them here would require to copy and paste 13 charts a page at a time, which I'm not up for (as you can't upload PDFs to that site - just images). Anyhow, she's willing to put them out, so I'll forward them to Ray to work his magic (and maybe OSS3?). IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 06:21 PM
Okay, the city blocks zip files from going, so I've used a yahoo account I have - I think. Let me know if you get them. They are Lafayette (zip) files. I don't have LX software on this computer, so I can't send them as PDFs from this location.IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 01-15-2008 08:08 PM
Got 'em. Wow, that's a lot of charts.Charts 5-7 appear to be a different series, as the RQs are different from the first four charts. r ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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Barry C Member
posted 01-15-2008 08:56 PM
It's two different people. Charts 1-4 and 5-7 are one person, and then 1-3 and 4-6 are the other (I think).One of them will give us a lot to talk about, so I'd start a new thread. IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-15-2008 11:13 PM
OK Barry, enuff teasing us. Post the dang things already. Practice a graphic with an avatar (baby steps.) I swear! I open up the pathway to graphics around here, and only Ray has the bag to take a shot at it. It's like throwing a party with yummy finger food, nachos, punch, and a deejay----and only one guy shows up (well, then again Donna posted an avatar forever ago.) What we need is a Skip Webb or a Don Kraphol to throw some ink around here. Pity that a mainstay polygraph website devoted to the field has two measly charts (thanks to Ray.)It's like a shrink website with no case studies. No wonder I have resorted to posting pictures of monkeys and kitty cats! (sigh)
 I recall that Don K. had a CD with charts on it to test examiner's against known outcomes (verifiable calls)that he would generously and freely send to examiners. Since the HTLM graphics here at polyplace are hyprlinked and not a burden on the site, he could post the whole shlamoo on a host site and link them here, a small collection at a time. It could be fun, and Don or someone else could be the "hit" of the site with the volunteerism. It could make a real impact on hundreds of examiners, maybe even a turning point in skillset for many young and old. We all have had those moments of clarity. This is a good place to have those.

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Barry C Member
posted 01-16-2008 06:26 AM
Again, they are PDFs, so they can't be posted here until you convert each one to an image file. How do you convert PDF to JPEG?IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-16-2008 08:00 AM
You have to print and scan the charts. I think that's what Ray did. You don't need to do the whole series, just the ones that illicit discussion.IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-16-2008 08:47 AM
Are you kidding me? There's got to be an easier way. I saw some software out there that can do it, but nothing that caught my attention. (You know, the ones with the "FREE" tag on them.)How much can this site handle? Those images use a lot of memory. If somebody wants to hunt for a (free and) simple PDF to JPEG converter (or a print to JPEG program - if one exists), I can probably get some of those confirmed cases up. At one time I had culled out 20 for a seminar I did. Some were easy and some took some looking, but that data was there in many. IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 01-16-2008 10:31 AM
Try this one. The images are large and need to be cropped and resized, but its free/open-source/GPL and its a sourceforge project. Best tool for cropping, resizing, and text-markup is a free tool. html:// r
------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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